Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

Building Learning Power - BLP
What is Building Learning Power?
At Pinfold Street, we place learning at the heart of all that we do. Building Learning Power is about helping young people to become better learners, both inside and outside of school. We want to equip the children with the skills, techniques and vocabulary to talk about their learning more effectively. Children can learn to be better learners and having this common learning language in school helps to promote that. Students who are more confident about their own learning ability, and who can talk about their learning, often learn faster and better.
BLP is centred around four key learning principles and we promote these in school by using BLP mascots. Staff and children use this language daily when talking about learning and how to improve learning.
The four (4 Rs) principles are:

School Mascot - Roxy the Resilient Fox
Managing distractions – creating the best learning environment
Absorption – losing yourself in learning
Perseverance – keep going when things are difficult
Noticing – recognises patterns, rules and differences

School Mascot - Relationship Rebecca
Independence – learning on your own
Collaboration – working well with others
Empathy and listening – listening to and understanding others
Imitation – useful copying

School Mascot - Ronnie the Owl
Questioning – asking valid questions
Making links – linking previous learning
Imagining – wondering what if
Reasoning – working things out methodically

School Mascot - Rocky the Hedgehog
Planning – thinking about what to do and where to go with learning
Revising – being flexible and changing plans when necessary
Meta-learning – knowing how you learn best and the process of learning
Distilling information – pulling out the important information
Children are encouraged to flex their learning muscles in lessons and positive work in these areas is rewarded through BLP certificates, which are awarded in Friday assemblies. It would be great if you could use this common language at home when discussing learning with your child.