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Meet Our Governors

Governors play an important part of school life.   Pinfold Street Governing Board is a group of 12 people made up of school staff, parents and other with a keen passion to ensure that the children of Pinfold Street Primary School receive the best education possible.  The Governors generously give up their time to support all areas of school life.

Governors have 3 main roles:


  • To ensure there is a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • To hold the Headteacher to account for the performance of the school, its pupils and the performance management of staff

  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure that the funds are well spent.


The responsibilities of the governing body include setting targets for pupil achievement, managing the school finances, making sure the curriculum is broadly based, appointing staff and reviewing staff pay and performance.  Some of these functions are discussed at separate committee meetings.


Pay and finance Committee (P&F) – focus on school budget, performance related pay and procurement

Health & Safety Committee (H&S) – focus to ensure Pinfold is a safe environment


Full Governing Body 2023-24
FGB 2023-24.png
Committee Membership 2023-24
Committee Membership.png
Link Governor Roles 2023-24

Following a review of the key school performance indicators, governors have agreed that the following ‘link governor roles’ are required to maintain school improvement.

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