Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

Mental Wellbeing
Whole School Challenge for 2020
In a world where you can be anything…be kind!
Pupils’ mental health needs are a priority for us, we are fully committed to providing the right support at the right time to help towards reducing long term mental health issues that our pupils may have.
Worry Boxes
Every class has a worry box, created in September with the children. This box provides an opportunity for all pupils to express/share how they are feeling with their teacher. The teachers will regularly check the boxes and then provide the pupil with the right support.
Reflection Garden
Designated area of the playground where children can have quiet time to reflect.
Hidden Disabilities
We have a display and discuss hidden disabilities and how, as a community, we can support others. We also focus on this as part of our assembly themes and continuous provision sessions.
Lunchtime Nurture Club
Helping Hands room is open every lunchtime. Pupils who require extra support at lunchtime are given a lanyard which means they can access a lunch time nurture room.
Growth Mindset
We teach pupils what a growth and fixed mindset is. We promote a ‘can do’ attitude with our self-assessment language ‘Yellow = not there yet!’. We also growth mindset work into our assembly themes.
Mental health stories for staff to use in whole class reading sessions or story time. Mindfulness teacher guide to support staff with planning and delivering age appropriate sessions.
Nurture Sessions
We have a trained nurture team who run nurture sessions 4 afternoons per week. The nurture staff also carry out regular ‘check-ins’ with all children who are currently attending nurture groups or who have completed the sessions. Pupils can also request to talk to a member of the nurture team.
Lunchtimes – Helping Hands
Lunch time can be difficult part of the day for some pupils. To help with this, Miss Yates and Miss Love run a nurture club at lunchtimes for identified pupils. This is an enjoyable place to spend time with other pupils to develop social skills that are important for life.
Anti-Bullying Work
Each year, we take part in anti-bullying week and revisit it across the year. We teach pupils about different types of bullying, direct and indirect. We explore the difference between falling out, being unkind, being mean and bullying. Pupils are taught how to describe situations using the right language so that bullying can be quickly and accurately identified. Pupils know that we can help anonymously, if preferred and know that bullying will not be tolerated. Any reports of bullying are always dealt with by the headteacher.
We work with the children to help identify situations appropriately and use the correct language when talking to others. This helps to ensure we accurately identify bullying so that it can be dealt with swiftly and appropriately.