Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

Our Curriculum
Prepared for life – this is the key principle that drives the design of our curriculum here at Pinfold Street. We have five themes, which our lessons are built around, these being:
• Faces, Places and Events
• Beliefs
• Conflicts
• Innovations
• Structures and Buildings
We have designed our curriculum to be progressive in both knowledge and skills. To do this our teachers plan well structured, sequenced lessons, which encompass explicit teaching of key skills, whilst providing time for regular revisiting of previous learning allowing the children to build on their prior knowledge. Our curriculum also includes challenge tasks that are designed to deepen our learner’s understanding.
Throughout the school year we have 11 topic weeks where the main focus is on History, Geography, Art & Design Technology. This allows time for the children to become fully absorbed in their learning.

Our history curriculum has been organised chronologically so that our children can develop an understanding of historical periods and how they are connected, in both Britain and the wider world. We want our children to understand the importance of Darlaston and the local area in shaping their lives today. To do this each year group undertakes a one-week local history study where they look at important figures from Darlaston’s past, important trades and industries and how Darlaston has changed over time.
We have chosen to theme our geography curriculum, allowing each year group to complete a geographical study on a particular feature – e.g. hills and mountains or coasts, seas and rivers. At the same time our children will also have the opportunity to develop their geographical skills trough the use of maps and atlases. Where appropriate our geography lessons will begin with Darlaston and the local area before spreading out to the UK and then into the wider world.
Throughout the school, children have the opportunity to participate in votes 4 schools topics. These are discussions built around a key question that is designed to encourage children to think about both sides of an argument before reaching an informed decision.
We aim to enrich our curriculum wherever possible through making use of the school grounds, exploring the local area, educational visits and inviting guests into school.
If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please speak to the school office or email info@pinfold-st.walsall.sch.uk.