Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is additional funding provided by the government to school. Schools receive an additional amount of money for every pupil who is/has been entitled to free school meals.
The aim of Pupil Premium is to provide additional support to pupils to enable them to reach their full potential and achieve academic success. Headteachers and teachers decide how to use the Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual pupils.
‘We know a good education is the key to improving young people’s life chances, to enable them to progress into adulthood with the skills and confidence for success. The Pupil Premium will provide schools with the resources with which to address inequalities in the system and raise the attainment of those pupils from low income families’. (DFE)
How we use the funding
At Pinfold we pride ourselves on keeping up-to-date with current research. We use this information to make informed decisions about the best way to teach and support pupils.
What are the possible barriers to children achieving?
For some of our children, there are external barriers which the school looks to break down. Whilst not attributable to all children and families in receipt of Pupil Premium, some factors include:
Low parental aspirations
High levels of deprivation, over 95% of school population live in most deprived areas
Poor or low attendance, including term-time holidays
Starting school at below age-related levels (socially, emotionally and academically)
Poor behaviour and attitudes to learning
Lack of parental engagement in children’s learning
Some safeguarding issues affecting children’s well-being
Lack of cultural and enrichment activities
Some speech and language difficulties
Local language idiosyncrasies which can hinder the learning of Standard English
Is your child eligible for Free School Meals?
Please help us to receive all of the funding we are entitled to, by applying for free school meals, even if your child would prefer to bring a packed lunch to school every day.
Your child might be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit
Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.
Your child might also get free school meals if you get any of these benefits and your child is both:
Infant free school meals in England
Your child will be able to get free school meals if they’re in:
Reception class
Year 1
Year 2