Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

Times of the School Day
Our school day for Year R - Year 6 is as follows:

Total Time: 32.5 hours a week
Teachers will dismiss children at the end of the school day from their specified location. Teachers will only allow children to leave them once a recognised adult is seen.
Parents will need to notify the school office in advance, to give consent for a different adult to collect their child – even if this is another child’s parent.
Children in Reception, Y1 & Y2 are NOT be collected by older brothers or sisters in school. They should be collected by an authorised adult. Teachers have been instructed NOT to release young children to siblings.
The Authorised Adult
The Authorised Adult must be a responsible person aged 16 years or over. Verbal consent can be accepted in emergency situations.
Non-collection of Pupils:
Where a pupil is not collected as part of the normal collection routine, the Headteacher or person nominated by them will contact the parents, carer or other authorised person to collect the child. The child will not be allowed to leave with anyone other than those named (this includes members of staff).
The child must stay with two members of staff at school until they are safely collected by the parent/carer or social worker.
The protocol below will be followed:

Children Walking Home Alone
Parents must ensure that they have completed the consent slip for children in Y5 and 6 for them to be able to walk home unaccompanied.
These names are recorded and the class teachers will only allow these pupils to leave the site without an adult. Other pupils will remain with their class teacher until a known adult collects them.
Government guidelines advise that children below 10 years of age should not be allowed to walk home unaccompanied.