Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

At Pinfold Street science lessons are planned to ensure that pupils learn through a hands-on approach and acquire knowledge and skills by being curious, asking questions and excited about learning.
Science is taught every week (excluding topic weeks) in units of work that are taught in blocks, except for where children need to observe changes overtime. These topics are taught through a continuous approach e.g. seasonal change – children will spend time during each season, take photographs and observe similarities and differences unique to each season. Children will take photographs to capture and compare.
Our aim is make science learning as hands on, practical and fun as possible while developing the children’s enquiry and investigative skills.
At Pinfold Street we are fortunate enough to have a large outdoor space. We have made use of this space to establish areas around the grounds that will help to enhance our science lessons.
We have a shaded area with trees and plants – suitable for discovering minibeasts. A corner of our school field has been left to grow wildly enabling our children to study a natural habitat that hasn’t been influenced by people.
We also have our school farm, where children can get up close with a range of animals including: chickens, ducks, rabbits and goats. Within the farm we have a garden area, equipped with a greenhouse for the growing of plants and vegetables which can later be used by the children in their food technology lessons.
We also have a classroom on the farm. This classroom is known as ‘The Hive’ and is our very own science lab, which can used by classes who have taken their science lessons outside into the school grounds.
Scientific Knowledge and Understanding
As pupils progress through the school, they develop secure scientific knowledge and understanding related to the key areas of biology, chemistry and physics. Each key block of knowledge and concepts builds on previous learning to ensure that children develop a deep scientific understanding and that misconceptions are addressed.
Working Scientifically
Working scientifically is a key part of children's scientific learning and is embedded within our science curriculum at Pinfold Street from EYFS to Y6. In each year group, pupils learn to use a variety of approaches to answer relevant scientific questions. These types of scientific enquiry include: observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations); and researching using secondary sources. Pupils seek answers to questions through collecting, analysing and presenting data.
Science provision: