Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

Pinfold Street Primary School is fully inclusive. We endeavour to provide quality first teaching for all pupils and specific additional support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. We regularly seek up-to-date training from specialists and work closely with professionals from all areas of children’s services.
There is a clear rationale for entry and exit onto our SEND register (Early response 6 week assessment and review). Any pupils that have additional needs are supported appropriately. This is may be done in a variety of ways e.g smaller groups, differentiated work, talk partners, 1:1, specific intervention groups etc. Any child with an EHCP has their own personalised timetable created, ensuring that we fully meet pupils’ needs.
Identifying Primary Areas of Needs
Walsall Local Authority (LA) has created a graduated approach to SEND which the school follows.
The purpose of this guidance is to support those who are directly supporting or working with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to:
Implement whole school approaches and high quality first teaching that promotes the inclusion of all children and young people, including those with SEND
Identify special educational needs effectively and in a timely way
Implement an effective and appropriately targeted graduated approach to meeting SEN needs in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice (2015) to ensure all children with SEN make good academic progress and achieve good outcomes in relation to education, health and social care
Identify when it is appropriate to request additional high needs funding (via an EHC assessment)
This approach requires schools to categorise children and young people’s SEND needs into 1 of 8 primary areas of need:
Cognition & Learning
Social, Emotional, Mental Health
Speech, Language, Communication and Social Interaction (including ASD)
Hearing Impairment
Visual Impairment
Multi-Sensory Impairment
Physical Needs
Medical Needs
Within each primary area of need there are 7 levels of need (Bands). When assessing whether a child should be placed on the SEN register their primary area of need and band level is identified this is recorded on the SEND register and reported to the LA yearly (from May 2020).
SEND Targets and Time
Once a child is has entered the SEN register they will get an individual education plan. Targets for these are set 3 times a year, once during every term. The class teacher and SENDCo along with parents and child agree the targets and support that will be put in place. These targets are then reviewed at the beginning of the next term again by the class teacher, SENDCo, parent and child.
SEND Local Offer
Click here to view a leaflet of Walsall’s SEND Local Offer.
Click here to visit Walsall Council’s SEND Local Offer.