Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

Times Tables Rock Stars

As well as teaching tables in lessons and fluency sessions ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ (TTRS) is a fun way for children to get the repetition that they need for them to store the times table facts into their ‘long term memory’. Thus taking away the need for them to work them out, when tackling more complex problems.
“Not knowing all the tables is like not knowing the alphabet and trying to read!”

From Y2-Y6 each child has their own login to enable them to practise at school and at home. Children go through a series of levels, similar to computer games that they would choose for themselves.
Children can choose different games to play. As they play, they earn gold coins, which they can use to buy costumes and equipment for their virtual rock star. The games are either single player (Garage, Studio and Soundcheck) or competitive games, against their classmates, year group or other schools (Festival, Arena and Rock Slam).

When they begin, they automatically complete a ‘gig’. This assesses what they can do now and unlocks relevant tables to enable them to practise and improve their fluency and speed.

If children play regularly, they become faster and more accurate at their tables. When they play in Garage and Arena, children go through pre-programmed levels. New tables will automatically be unlocked as children develop their fluency. As children improve their speed, their status also changes to reflect this. Beginning at Wannabe status through to the fastest – Rock Hero.