Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

At Pinfold Street Primary School we expect all children to wear school uniform. This helps everyone to feel that they belong to a community of people, sharing the same values and living by the same rules.
Please click here to see an image of our uniform, PE kit and other items needed for school.
Please click here to read our Uniform Policy.
Our uniform is as follows:
• Grey or black skirt or pinafore
• Navy blue cardigan or sweatshirt
• White Polo Shirt
• Blue and white checked dress (Summer)
• Grey or black trousers
• Navy blue pullover or sweatshirt
• White polo shirt
• Grey or black shorts (Summer)
‘Sensible’ school shoes NOT trainers must be worn by all children. Shoes must not have heels or platforms. In the summer, sturdy sandals may be worn, but, in the interests of safety, not flip flops, open toe or backless fashion sandals. Children who do not wear school shoes to school will be asked to change into their black P.E. pumps.
Physical Education
Children must change for all forms of physical activity. Specialist sportswear isn’t necessary, but they will need:
• Plain black pumps for indoor wear
• Plain black/navy short
• Coloured house t-shirt
• A warm top or tracksuit for outdoor P.E. in cold weather
Children go swimming in Years 4 and 5. We aim for all children being able to swim 25m. Darlaston is surrounded by canals so it is important that all children can swim well as a necessary life skill.
Children need to bring the following items in a named bag:
• Fitted swimming trunks (not baggy) or a swimming costume
• Towel
• Swimming cap
• Goggles are optional
A watch is permitted as are small stud earrings however all jewellery must be removed for PE lessons. Children must be able to remove their own jewellery or we would ask that parents/carers take jewellery out before school on their child’s P.E. day
School uniform can be purchased from Clemmy’s in Darlaston. You may also purchase the basic uniform without the logo from most chain stores.
We do sell a limited number of items at our school office. These items include:
• coloured house P.E. t-shirts
• P.E. kit bags
• Book bags
• swimming caps
We cannot be held responsible for items of clothes that go missing in school, children are encouraged to be responsible for their own belongings.